Open Network Solution Licensee
The Licensee is generally a sponsor with a strategic objective to establish an online network-of-networks of independent firms and groups to facilitate unlisted transactions in a collaborative marketplace for the benefit of all marketplace participates. The ideal sponsor is a bank, investment group, association, professional firm or entrepreneurial network. The Licensee gets exclusive access to the Marketplace Console. ONS license fee is customised for each Licensee and can be configured with a revenue model.
Branding of the Marketplace Board and Consoles is customised in the identity of the Licensee. The Licensee has the option to extend co-branding to independent firms and groups. To receive co-branding with the Licensee the independent firm will be granted access to a Group Account Console.
Seller Listings
An individual or business can anonymously through a professional advisor create a Seller Listing for equity & debt, sale of equity, business sale, trade & alliance, prospectus exemption and prospectus advertising.
Buyer Profile
A high-net-worth individual or investment group can anonymously through a professional advisor or sponsored network create a Buyer Profile and compare Seller Listings with a Match Report.
Match Reports
A sophisticated matching engine will make a comparison between a Buyer Profile and Seller Listing in real-time and when there is 50% or greater match the matching engine with generate a Match Report.
Keep the marketplace informed with announcements and share milestone achievements and relevant news about a listing to attract investor interest, or announcement successful placements and industry news.
Advisor Console
A one-stop workspace for advisors to streamline deal flow for their Seller and Buyer clients. Through the Advisor Console an advisor can create Seller Listings and multiply a client's chance to find a match with potential buyers and investors. Or create a Buyer Profile to generate Match Reports to identify potential opportunities and due diligence projects for buyer and investor clients.
Investor Console
A workspace for investors and buyers to create Buyer Profiles and review Match Reports to identify potential opportunities. The Investor Console cannot create Seller Profiles.
Group Account Console
An independent firm can connect their advisors to the Marketplace via the Group Account Console and co-branding is available if permitted by the Licensee. The Group Account Console provides a helicopter view of internal deal flow and matches, plus the Match Reports across the entire network.
Marketplace Console
The Licensee has exclusive access to the Marketplace Console to create and delete a Group Account Console, Advisor Console and Investor Console. The Marketplace Console is the Administrator of the entire Marketplace, it must approve all Seller Listings and has a helicopter view of entire Marketplace. The Marketplace Console has a built-in Fee Report to keep the Licensee informed about billings generated from user access and listings.
Marketplace Board
The Marketplace Board displays all the top-level information from each Group Account Console such as the number of Seller Listings active together with links to additional information about each Seller Listing, plus AUD$ totals for Capital Sought and Buyer Capital Available across the entire network. The Marketplace Board can be embedded at the License public website or keep private for Marketplace participates only.
Embedded Board
Embedded Board will display the deal flow of a Group Account to enable the likes of an independent firm to display their client Seller LIstings at their own website or private intranet. To gain access to the Embedded Board the Group Account may need an additional subscription from the Licensee.
Visit our first OPEN NETWORK the Australian Private Companies Exchange®

Visit our first OPEN NETWORK the Australian Private Companies Exchange®

Private Network Solution Licensee
The Licensee is generally large professional firm or network with a strategic objective to establish a private network-of-networks for their own partners and employees to facilitate unlisted transactions in a collaborative marketplace segmented by division, team and/or location. The Licensee gets exclusive access to the Marketplace Console. PNS license fee is customised for each Licensee and can be configured with a revenue model for billing disbursement costs for each Group Account and the Listings creating by each Advisor.
Branding of the Marketplace Board and Consoles is customised in the identity of the Licensee. The Licensee has the option to extend co-branding to identify different teams. The Licensee can co-brand each team with a unique identity with a separate Group Account Console for each team.
Seller Listings
An individual or business can anonymously through a professional advisor create a Seller Listing for equity & debt, sale of equity, business sale, trade & alliance, prospectus exemption and prospectus advertising.
Buyer Profile
A high-net-worth individual or investment group can anonymously through a professional advisor or sponsored network create a Buyer Profile and compare Seller Listings with a Match Report.
Match Reports
A sophisticated matching engine will make a comparison between a Buyer Profile and Seller Listing in real-time and when there is 50% or greater match the matching engine with generate a Match Report.
Keep the marketplace informed with announcements and share milestone achievements and relevant news about a listing to attract greater interest about a Listing within your private network, or announcement successful placements and current news.
Advisor Console
A one-stop workspace for advisors to streamline deal flow for their Seller and Buyer clients. Through the Advisor Console an advisor can create Seller Listings and multiply a client's chance to find a match with potential buyers and investors. Or create a Buyer Profile to generate Match Reports to identify potential opportunities and due diligence projects for buyer and investor clients.
Investor Console
A workspace for investors and buyers to create Buyer Profiles and review Match Reports to identify potential opportunities. The Investor Console cannot create Seller Profiles. A Private Network can use the Investor Console to build an investor club or access for staff to manage Buyer Profiles for the firm without the capability to create Listings.
Group Account Console
Ideal for a firm with different teams, divisions and locations and want to appoint a manager for each group. By creating a Group Account for each the firm can get a isolated helicopter view of the internal deal flow and matches of each group independently of other groups in the firm. Each Group Account Console has a separate login and is identified by their name at the Private Network Marketplace Board and inside the Marketplace Console.
Marketplace Console
The Licensee has exclusive access to the Marketplace Console to create and delete a Group Account Console, Advisor Console and Investor Console. The Marketplace Console is the Administrator of the entire Marketplace, it must approve all Seller Listings and has a helicopter view of entire Marketplace. The Marketplace Console has a built-in Fee Report to keep the Licensee informed about billings generated by the advisors that are permitted to create listings.
Marketplace Board
The Marketplace Board displays all the top-level information from each Group Account Console such as the number of Seller Listings active together with links to additional information about each Seller Listing, plus AUD$ totals for Capital Sought and Buyer Capital Available across the entire network. The Marketplace Board can be embedded at the License public website or keep private for Marketplace participates only.
Embedded Board
Embedded Board will display the deal flow of a Group Account to enable the likes of an independent group within the firm to display their client Seller LIstings at their own website or private intranet. To gain access to the Embedded Board the Group Account may need an additional subscription from the Licensee.